join the circus

This is me attempting to engage the world around me, search for justice, and spread peace.

Tuesday, June 27


The other morning, there was the cutest little old french lady at my bus stop. She was on her way home from the beauty salon. As we chatted, I learned that she has been going to the same hairdresser for 15 years. I am fascinated by such consistancy. I'm sure I am part gypsy, and can probably count on one hand the things I have done for fifteen years straight. I've never even lived in the same town for more than 10 years, or the same house for more than four. Maybe that's why I'm such a packrat about momentos and souvenirs. I've got to have something to represent my history.

Wednesday, June 21

words of wisdom

"What God Himself has not compelled, let no man try."

I heard Jon Meacham (author of American Gospel) recite this short quote, speaking about the idea of forcing one's own faith on others.

I have had no success online trying to find out who originally said this. If you know, please send me a comment.

Tuesday, June 20

Bringing the Jazz Greats Back to Life

Hal Miller is a percussionist with Carlos Santana, but first and foremost, he is a passionate collector of jazz film footage. Last night, as the first event of the Medicine Hat Jazz Festival, he presented some of his favorites to a small but enraptured audience (the show was in direct competition with game 7 of the Stanley Cup finals) at the Medicine Hat College Theatre.

I am no jazz expert, but I know what I like when I hear it. I love to listen to all the old greats like Ella, Louis and Thelonius, even if I can't tell you who played with them on what album. I had never heard of Hal Miller before the festival program came out, but I came away from the evening with a respect for his great knowledge and love of all that is jazz. His excitement was contagious as he shared his treasures with us. I left in awe, feeling overwhelmed by the talent and personalities that have come together over a short span of time.

I have a new appreciation of musicians that I don't really like to listen to, but are simply amazing to watch. Seeing my favorites perform; watching their body language and facial expressions gave me thrills. Being introduced to geniuses that have almost disappeared into obscurity made me a little sad. Those artists might fade completely away without the likes of Hal Miller, who lovingly passes on their gift to as many people as he can.

Film is an amazing medium. Imagine how differently we would understand older history if we could see moments of it illuminated on the screen.

Tuesday, June 6

Yay for nuns

This morning I heard an interesting story on CBC Calgary. The Benedictine Sisters of Boeme, Texas issued a shareholder proposal at the recent Walmart Annual Meeting, regarding wage disparity between executive officers and front-line staff. I couldn't find the current story online, but I did find a background piece written before the annual meeting. I love hearing stories about regular citizens holding big business accountable for their actions. Unfortunately, this one did not end as well as I would have liked. The proposal was voted down by shareholders at the meeting. It seems that many of the larger corporate shareholders, like Canada Pension Plan and some mutual fund companies, are not interested in howWalmart pays it's executives. It's not a lost cause, though. With increased media coverage and individuals pressuring their government and their investment companies, the balance of power can shift. Also, socially responsible investment companies, many of them faith-based, are becoming more prevalent. These organizations help those of us who feel overwhelmed by business ethics, or by inertia, take that next step towards action.

Friday, June 2

Never thought I'd say this

I've only been job hunting for 9 weeks, but it feels like much, much longer. I have far too much time alone to think right now.

It's amazing how much of our self-worth is tied into having a job. It can be a huge ego thing. I didn't even lose my job in a negative way. I didn't get fired or laid off - I quit (mostly voluntarily). It doesn't make much difference, though. My pride will not be healed until I find a new place where people will depend on my five days a week.