join the circus

This is me attempting to engage the world around me, search for justice, and spread peace.

Wednesday, December 19

ever elusive


when I pause briefly from complaining about my job,

I wonder if maybe the problem isn't all the idiots around me, but something within myself.

Maybe it's true that every organization I've ever worked for has been poorly run, but maybe it's really that I am stubborn, grumpy and unrealistic.



Tuesday, December 18

It was there a minute ago

You know,

I had something very witty that I wanted to post.

Now it's gone.

Just like the answers to those four easy questions on my Linguistics final.

I'll let you know if it comes back to me.

Tuesday, December 11

Is there a safe haven left?

Last night we ended up watching American news while we ate supper. A story about those church shootings in Colorado came on, and the first thing out of Matt's mouth was

"They have armed security guards at churches down there?"

I was thinking the same thing. I can't imagine it. Our church doesn't even have security cameras. Sometimes I forget that the culture is different than my own.

It's awful that they feel it's necessary - it apparently is necessary.

A church shouldn't have to take steps to keep anyone out. That's not what church is about.

Sometimes I don't know how to deal with the way our society is changing.

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Tuesday, December 4

I love Noam Chomsky

and you should read this.
