join the circus

This is me attempting to engage the world around me, search for justice, and spread peace.

Monday, October 16


I can't believe we leave for Japan on Friday. The last few days I was totally panicing. Terrified of making mistakes and sounding stupid when attempting to speak Japanese. Now I'm back to being very excited. Holy cow, I'm going to Japan!

Tuesday, October 10

good things in small packages

The other day I was out watering the tomatoes with the garden hose, when this tiny brown bird popped out of the shrubs and decided to take a shower with the plants. It was painfully cute, and made my whole day. It's amazing that such a small creature can have such huge power for good.

Monday, October 2

No interpretations, please.

It's funny how being under the weather affects your dreams. I tossed and turned all last night, and woke with one sharp memory from my hallucinations: I drempt that Stephen Colbert had loosed vicious attach dogs to chase me. I can't recall the context this was in, which might be for the best.

It certainly wasn't the strangest dream I've ever had, or the scariest. It's just odd the things that the subconscious mind will link together.

Can you remember what you dreamed about last night? Please share!