join the circus

This is me attempting to engage the world around me, search for justice, and spread peace.

Monday, November 19


For much of my life I have been fairly focused when it comes to my career. Choices have always seemed straight forward.

Now I finally understand how people feel when they "don't know what to do with their lives."

I'm trying to pick a major for my degree - or maybe a double minor. I have three areas in mind, but there's only room for two.

I think it would be best if you just told me what to do. So, why don't I give you a little more information and then you can make an informed decision:

I am trying to choose between Sociology, Linguistics, and Asian studies. I want to move to Japan, but what if I pay for all this formal study in that area and then decide I don't like it and want to come home?

Linguistics is the most fun, but it feels indulgent of me to get a degree in something just because it's fun. Will I be useful to society? Can I use linguistics to fight poverty and injustice?

Sociology seems the most practical. It's very interesting, but not exactly fun. It's also the most difficult. Could I find a job in Japan?

So, to sum up, I want a degree that will be useful in Japan as well as once I get home to Canada, will help me to save the world, be fun and fulfilling and not too difficult. Please direct me to my perfect career.

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At 11/20/2007 2:42 AM, Blogger Trudy said...

Linguistics and sociology. The most fun and the most difficult. What could be more balanced than that? Asian Studies would be useful IF you move to Japan but it is also the most specialized of the three. You are more open to other options with the first two. You don't want to limit your possibilities. Both of the first two options at least seem to be usefull in the area of social justice. Why do you feel linguistics is indulgent? Just because you would enjoy it and have fun? You are allowed to enjoy what you do. It's also helpful to be able to communicate while you are fighting poverty and injustice!

At 11/20/2007 6:15 PM, Blogger Dave King said...

I have no idea what the market for Linguistics is. But I hate it when people say they should have done software cause that's where the money is, thing is that's only true is you enjoy it. Otherwise it's just a bunch of work to keep up.

Do other people find Linguistics easy or are you gifted at it?

Does anyone really think it's sociology that will save the world? I'll take more solitude together over more sociology any day.


- Peace
- Peace


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