join the circus

This is me attempting to engage the world around me, search for justice, and spread peace.

Tuesday, July 31


Harvest season is like a time-machine to me.

As I gather in the fruit, vegetables and herbs that spring up around my home, with or without my help, I feel like I'm moving in step with generations upon generations of women who have gone through the same motions each year.

It feels mystical and significant.

It also makes me think about community.

There is always more than I can use myself, and so the obvious thing to do is share.

Yesterday one of Matt's coworkers sent out an open invitation to pick sour cherries from the trees in his back yard. As we picked we chatted with his wife, sharing recipe ideas. The evening was a blessing to all of us in many ways. Now I'll share my pies and jams, sauces and breads with others through the fall and winter.

Harvest is not just about food.

Imagine if we shared our surplus of other things.

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