join the circus

This is me attempting to engage the world around me, search for justice, and spread peace.

Wednesday, December 13

A-bomb Museum

We had 2 hours to see the museum before it closed, which turned out to be not quite enough time.

In the first section of exhibits we were each approached by a group of junior highschool girls with a typed script read by a nervous spokeswoman. All the other girls giggled behind their hands. They asked us to read and comment on a paragraph they had written about peace and then pose for a photo with them. When Matt answered "hai" in japanese they all gasped and giggled as if he'd done a magic trick.

The museum was all bilingual. They have english language recordings that are not very useful for most of the museum, but add interesting first person stories in the section with the burned up relics. It's worth 3 bucks.

  Posted by Picasa The exhibits were extensive and really quite intense. Afterward, we both sad outside and cried.

I was so wiped out that when we got back to our room at 8 pm I didn't even eat supper, I just laid down and went to sleep.

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At 12/13/2006 7:31 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It must have been a very emotional experience to see the displays at the museum. i can't even imagine it.


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