join the circus

This is me attempting to engage the world around me, search for justice, and spread peace.

Friday, November 17

This is not about Japan

On Wednesday I attented a seminar on Aboriginal Awareness. I found it really worthwhile. I often feel aprehension and discomfort when interacting with aboriginal people because

a) I'm afraid they hate me because I'm white and will respond with hostility, and

b) I am shamefully ignorant about their modern culture.

This seminar gave me a quick, easy to understand tour of the political history of Canada's aboriginal people and changes that are taking place today. It also did a really good job of putting into words why our aboriginal people are facing so many struggles today and explained all the terms and categories for them that most of us have been totally misusing. The best part was a nice, thick binder to take away so that if I forget this stuff, or have trouble explaining it to someone else, I can go back to the book. I now feel a bit better equipped to relate to my aboriginal clients and neighbours.

Robert Laboucane, president of Ripple Effects Ltd., was the speaker for the seminar. He was passionate, frank and funny. I don't know if everything he said about the government was accurate, but now I feel I have a good starting point to look things up for myself and verify what he told us. One message he really tries to drive home is that knowledge is power, and he is working hard to bring people in this country together with that power.

I was impressed. I encourage my friends who run rescue missions to bring him in to speak to the staff.


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